Saturday 23 July 2011

Boys Do It Again!

I'm having this!

During this last academic year our boys competed at the Sports Centre at Sundorne in Shrewsbury in the ESFA Under 11 Boys Cup and the Under 11 Boys County Plate competitions. Unfortunately we did not progress too far in these two corn petitions, mainly due to a good standard of football being played by most schools. Greater success was had in the Under 11 Boys 6 aside Community Cup by qualifying through two group stages only to be eliminated on the final night. A special mention for Callum who hit his one and only goal of the season, but what a goal it was! The team was led by Harvey, this year’s outstanding footballer, ably assisted by regular players Billy, William, Callum, Ben and Dan who all leave us to further their education, hopefully both academic and sport, at the “big school”. Of course we mustn’t forget to mention the younger boys, William, Robbie and the two James’s who remain at the school and will form the backbone of next year’s team together with other younger boys.
Shropshire Festival Winners

Undoubtedly our greatest achievement during the last year was on the 17th June 2011 when we entered the Shropshire Olympian Festival. 1500 pupils from both North and South Shropshire schools were invited to take part in the re-creation of the Shropshire Olympian Festival, which was brought to Shrewsbury from Much Wenlock by William Penny Brookes in 1864.

The boys played some wonderful football during the tournament despite Harvey being injured, but other players stepped up their game, especially Billy, who had the goal scoring touch on the day. The final was a hard fought final against Ludlow, but we prevailed after a penalty shoot out in which our goalkeeper, William, made a vital save and our youngest player, Robbie, stepped up to blast the ball into the net for the winning penalty goal. 

An excellent result and well done to all involved. 
Well played boys!

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