Saturday 23 July 2011

Top of the Class!

The end of year report for the school football team is simply that we have improved as the year has passed finishing with lots of gold stars. 

We started the season competing at the Sports Village, Shrewsbury in the ESFA Small Schools Trophy, being eliminated at the second stage. Success in the County Small Schools Trophy also eluded us.

The start of our success began in March 2011 at The Venue, Oswestry in the Bicton 5 a-side Cup when we beat our old rivals Bomere Heath in the final.

At the Shropshire Olympian Festival held in Shrewsbury in June both boys and girls won the football competitions against opposition from both North and South Shropshire which was a tremendous achievement.

Who's That Girl!

Throughout the school year we competed in the Vic Roberts Village School League remaining undefeated in all games. The boys played some very good football but Sophie, the only girl to play in the school team, deserves a mention for her determination and tenacity.

Vic Roberts Cup
Spot the Ball!!
These successes carried us in good heart and confident mood to the final at The Venue for the second time this year but this time in the Vic Roberts Village Schools League Cup finals day. After playing some wonderful passing football in a 5-0 victory over Bicton and then a 7-1 victory over a combined school team we faced Bomere Heath in the final for the third year running which saw us 3-2 victors. 

Bicton 5 aside Cup Winners

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