Saturday 23 July 2011

Medal Mad Girls!

Shrewsbury Team

During this last academic year our girls have competed at the Sports Centre at Sundorne in Shrewsbury in the ESFA Under 11 Girls Cup and the Under 11 Girls County Plate corn petitions. Unfortunately we did not progress in the Cup competition but it may be because this was played on a very cold evening. However in the County Plate competition we were magnificent! We progressed through the first stage in September 2010 and the second stage in March 2011 without being defeated. Unfortunately the finals day at Shrewsbury School in April was another matter. Suffice it to say that we didn’t win the County Plate!
The team was led by Sophie, this year’s outstanding girl footballer, ably assisted by regular players Alice, Megan and Emma who all leave us at the end of this summer term. Of course we mustn’t forget to mention the younger girls, Emma, May, Lucy and Rachel who remain at the school who, together with younger girls, will discover the fun of playing football.
Despite the great achievement of reaching the Finals Day of the County Plate at Shrewsbury School we did even better on the 17th June 2011 when we entered the Shropshire Olympian Festival. 
Shropshire Festival Winners
The girls played some good football throughout the tournament despite defender May being unable to play through illness. She was ably replaced in the squad by Lauren and Katie. Sophie had the goal scoring touch on the day and Emma was impressive in goal. The final was a hard fought final but we prevailed after a penalty shoot out in which Alice scored and goalkeeper Emma made a vital save that won the game.

Finally in June 2011 we took part in the Triumvirate Tournament with Bicton and Whittington. We were successful in winning both games for the third consecutive year, with a standard of play that the other schools were unable to match. An excellent result and well done to all involved.

Triumvirate Winners

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